(310) 604-0892
Hours: M-F 8:30am-4:00pm


How to check my apprentice class schedule online:

Click the image above to download the How To Check My Apprentice Class Schedule PDF.

  1. Click the Member Login button below:

  2. Fill in the following fields on the login page:

    • Email: This is the email on file with your local union.
    • Member ID: This is your 7-digit UA card number.
    • Password: This is the password you used to create your account.

  3. After filling out the required fields click the gray Log In button.
  4. Using the orange navigation go to Class_Data and select Enrolled Classes from the dropdown menu.
  5. To view more detailed class information such as location, time, room number and meeting dates, click the red Meetings link.
  6. After clicking the Meetings link, a page will be displayed with all course information. Scroll down to check meeting dates.